07 May Lindsay Munroe – Catch the Train behind “I Am Kind”
Kids’ music has come a long way since Raffi released his “Singable Songs for the Very Young,” and his evergreen “Baby Beluga” 40 years ago.
Luckily, singing is still in style, and Raffi is mentoring a new artist on the scene: Lindsay Munroe. Her new album “I Am Kind” just came out on Raffi’s Troubadour Music label. You can stream or buy it almost everywhere: https://found.ee/
Lindsay Munroe is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and mother of three who lives in Massachusetts. From an early age, she loved to sing and play music. She is a longtime fan of Raffi’s music, and her favorite song is “Baby Beluga.”
In June 2019 Lindsay and her youngest daughter attended Raffi’s concert in Worcester, MA. Meeting Raffi backstage, Lindsay was delighted when he said he was a fan of her Sing-Along with Lindsay videos on YouTube. That opened a conversation about music and autism. Raffi suggested that Lindsay write a song for families of children with autism. That idea grew into a series of new and original songs. Before long, there was a kids’ album in the works.
Raffi was excited about finding this new artist. “Lindsay’s original songs are uniquely hers, sung with a lovely voice and with endearing, uplifting messages.” Raffi produced the album and appears on many of the songs, including his hits “The More We Get Together” and “De Colores.” The title track “I Am Kind” is a Lindsay original.
Lindsay just released a catchy music video for the classic children’s song “Little Red Caboose.” (Watch the video below.) It is instantly appealing to wee kids who love trains. (See if you can hear Raffi’s voice in the song!).
This song offers families a fun way to celebrate National Train Day on Saturday, May 9th! In fact, Lindsay posted an activity guide for “Little Red Caboose” on her site: https://www.lindsaymunroemusic.com/activity-pages.
So, make tracks around your living room (or backyard), start chugging and whistling, and become a kind “Little Red Caboose” with the kids in your life.
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