22 May KARE STRONG & JOSH GOFORTH – “Beneath the Cherry Tree”
When reviewers talk to themselves: I love love love this album!
(Other Reviewer) What album I was meditating?
Beneath the Cherry Tree enlightened one.
(OR) Oh, like the George Washington one.
No, the lovely album by Kare Strong who writes and sings a gaggle of mesmerizing songs and Josh Goforth who does everything else and probably washes the dishes and turns out the lights when he leaves the studio.
(OR) Why do you like this album so much I ask knowing full well the answer?
The songs are like a portal to another time and place…
(OR) like a time machine?
Sort of. I felt transported – might have been the curry I had for dinner – but I think not…
(OR) Never a better time for social distancing.
Magical Faeries and lots of frolicking animals and amazing instruments played by Josh make for a lovely fantastical escape.
(OR) I’m beginning to get the gist. I’m taking Clogging classes can I clog to these songs?
You can clog to your little heart’s content until the sink overflows and throw yourself about with utter abandon if that suits your fancy.
(OR) So there’s something for everyone?
Did I mention that I love love love this album?
But the other voice was gone, off to buy Beneath the Cherry Tree.
Hail album well met. Be Strong and Goforth!
Beneath the Cherry Tree, Kare Strong & Josh Goforth, Humming Bear Music, 2019; www.karestrongmusic.com
John Wood, KidzMusic.com
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