24 Mar Life on a Trampoline
Life on a Trampoline, Randy & Dave, Song Wizard Records, 2017; www.songwizard.com/randyanddave.
Well there you have it, I’ve seen the future of children’s music and it is called Randy & Dave! Life on a Trampoline is a tad irreverent, a skosh between the tongue in cheek and a good dollop of flat out fun and immaculate imagination. Both artists trade songs like a couple of tennis pros going for the ace – they push each other artistically to higher ground and are relentless in their search for new ways to mine nose gold… OK scratch that…NOT! I’m not going to break down every one-fun-after- another-tune because I’m lazy and you need to get this album and quit reading this brilliant drabble. I’ve never led you astray except for that one time and that wasn’t my fault!
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