Author: skybonnie

One bright sunshiny day, Roger Day – a close relative – bounded out of bed, put on his pants one leg at a time or he might have fallen over, and trotted off to the recording studio to make his new album, INVINCIBLE. Never preachy always...

Composer and Creator of the new multi-media series for kids: Outta the Books StorySongs, featuring an international team of musicians, producers and actors, launched a multi-platform entertainment series Outta The Books this month. The first video chapter debuted on YouTube on November 14th, and a cast...

Riddle me this astute connoisseurs of fine music for kids and their pet parents: Who puts 29 superb songs on one album? Dave Kinnoin, that’s who!   Who includes a rat-pack of super talented topsy-turvy singer-songwriters called the Grin Brigade to sweeten the mix?  Dave Kinnoin, that’s who!...

It's quite amazing how many wonderful musical treasures and magical surprises that Brady Rymer and the Little Big Band can fit on their new CD, Under the Big Umbrella! Sturdy lyrics, big fat lovely arrangements and a clear and present message of love and acceptance abound...

KidzMusic is partnering with TAFFY (Theater Arts Festival For Youth —, a thirty-year old non-profit created by our own John Wood and JP Nightingale partner Pam Wood. Their mission is to entertain underserved children through performances in venues small and big, from hospitals and schools...

The Story Pirates have created a lovely 12-song album based on original stories written by children aged 4-11 titled, "Nothing Is Impossible". The imagination is brilliant throughout this project and the performances are impeccable. You know you're in for a ride when the opening song...

What do you get when you put two terrifically talented songwriters together? A lawsuit? Sometimes, but in this case a third collaboration of laugh out loud tummy tickling tunes for the whole family! Yep, the Lennon & McCartney for the younger set have another hit...

Move Move Move is a Winner Winner Winner! A tasty mixture of good songs, strong performances and natty arrangements - with a perfect helping of audience participation - make this collection an irresistible fun-fest. Years of onstage and up close interaction with children has molded...

Camp Andyland, Andy Z, A2Z Productions, 2018 If your busy schedule does not allow you to take your valuable time and refresh and renew at a Camp near you then sit back, relax and listen to the infectiously fun Camp Andyland - a world inhabited by...