Lishy Lou’s Fabulous Fiesta Tips

Lishy Lou’s Fabulous Fiesta Tips

Make It Musical – An idea to help you celebrate Cinco de Mayo

By Alisha Gaddis of Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band

I’m not Mexican, but my husband is- so our home is bilingual and multicultural, like so many of you out there.

But it doesn’t matter where you came from, or what your home celebrates- EVERYONE loves a party (and who doesn’t like burritos?!?!) Why not throw a Cinco de Mayo shindig with us- Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band?! We are celebrating the release of Aqui, Alla.

Here are the tips I use in our own home for the perfect fiesta:

1. Invite your most fun friends AND your most interesting friends. Sometimes, these are the same people, but oftentimes, they aren’t. Shake things up and invite different friend groups. Your kid’s soccer team would love playing with her Girl Scout troop. Mingle with magic!

2. Prepare delicious food and lots of it! Everyone loves to eat yummy treats! It doesn’t have to be pricey. Throw some chips in a bowl and use Lucky’s salsa recipe (see below).

3. Serve up something bubbly and make lots of toasts! Sparkling cider, fizzy water, champagne – anything that screams- LET’S CELEBRATE!! Toast people, events, and happiness.

4. Go for the theme. Hang lights and festive banners. Buy a piñata. Wear a fresh flower in your hair. Give the kids some maracas to shake (the adults will love those too!). Fiesta!

Lucky_cover-web5. Always, always, ALWAYS have a dance party! Put one of the new songs from Aqui Alla (soon to be available via – and available right now on iTunes on your player of choice (“Viva La Pachanga” is my fave; it means “Live the Giant Party”), and dance your booty off. Not only is it a way to really feel joy surrounded by your family and friends, but it counts as your daily cardio, so you can eat more chips and salsa. ÓRALE!!

Lucky Diaz’ EASY Fiesta-ready Salsa Recipe:
1 1 1.5 oz. can Mexican stewed tomatoes
2 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
3 1 fresh Serrano or jalapeño chile
4 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
5 Dash salt and pepper

Add ingredients to blender or food processor – and you’re done!

Editor’s note: Alisha is an author and comedienne, married to Lucky, who was born in Miami, raised in San Antonio, and now lives in Los Angeles with Alisha and daughter Ella.

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